Girls Rock Camp Alliance


Have you ever wanted to become more involved in the GRCA movement? The Nominations Committee is excited to let you know that Nominations for the board, caucus advisory council, and nominations committee are now open!

GRCA currently has 3 leadership bodies who work year-round (pretty much) to keep our work moving forward and with many levels of involvement! If you have been thinking about exploring opportunities to be involved in our global work, you should check out what these three groups do. And who knows?! Maybe you could even apply to volunteer with one of these groups!

To learn more about the Board, Caucus Advisory Council, and Nominations Committee, please check out the 2020 Nominations Handbook for more details.

The GRCA seeks new members of these various leadership bodies to help shepherd the organization to the next chapter in its growth. Candidates should have experience with girls rock camp programs, passion for the GRCA’s mission and points of unity, and an interest in shaping its future. Nominees do not need to be affiliated with a member camp/organization.

The GRCA strives to elevate and amplify the voices of those directly affected by oppressive structures, and encourages nominees who identify as members of communities that have been historically underrepresented in decision-making bodies, or whose power has been removed through colonization, to apply for the various leadership positions – this includes (but is not limited to) trans people, people who experience racial discrimination, indigenous people, differently abled/disabled people, poor/working class people.

Nominations are currently closed.

Questions? The GRCA Nominations Committee is here to help (find out more about us below!). Email us at:

The Nominations Committee is currently made up of seven committee members:

Alyssa Midcalf, Girls Rock Detroit, Girls Rock Grand Rapids, and a Girls Rock Camp in the Coachella Valley

Casey Vendel, Popkollo Sweden

Ros Hartigan, Girls Rock Detroit  

Rose Bishop, Girls Rock Denver

Sam Stahlmann, She Rock, She Rock

Rose Bishop

is a huge music education advocate and a musician. I became involved with the Girls Rock camps from the very beginning when the awesome ladies of Raining Jane approached Fender to support the camps and I even got to participate in the very first showcase. I have believed in this movement from the very beginning and am excited and blown away by the growth from that first camp in Portland. I believe when we support each other, we can do amazing things and these camps are an important part of the future. We have an opportunity and a responsibility to help teach our kids to be kind to themselves and to others, to be grateful for this life, and to encourage them to find their voice to make this world a better place. To create an all-inclusive place where we encourage and support each other and celebrate our differences. I would be honored to be a part of the Nominations Committee.

Ros Hartigan

is a professional software developer and amateur musician. I volunteered for Girls Rock! Chicago in 2011, which I absolutely loved, and was a real consciousness raising experience for me. I've been involved with Girls Rock ever since. I served on the Girls Rock Detroit board from 2015 - 2020, and will probably be volunteering for the Girls Rock Detroit camp this summer.

Casey Vendel

She, her, hers

A revolutionary human rights activist. A member of the Iranian diaspora living in Sweden. Works in the field of linguistics and accessible language. Highly involved in street activism. Likes long walks on the beach, bake cakes and throwing rocks at cops…

Alyssa Midcalf

was born and raised in Southern California and moved to Detroit, Michigan at the age of 20. I now live in Palm Desert, California and I am starting to develop a local Girls Rock here in the Coachella Valley.

After quitting high school at the age of 16, I taught myself how to play various instruments and how to record music in my bedroom and continued on to play in touring bands and become a professional musician and producer. As someone who experienced severe issues with mental health, sexuality, and social problems when I was a kid I wholeheartedly believe that music saved my life. I understand the impact playing in bands and being involved in a music community can have on a young person, especially girls and non-binary kids, because of the impact it had on me. And that's why I am dedicated to continuing and fostering that sense of community as an adult.

Sam Stahlmann

She, her, hers

first got involved with the movement in 2007 when she signed up as a camper for Girls Rock n Roll Retreat in Minneapolis, MN. Sam quickly got engaged in all aspects of organizing for the camp and was the Co-Executive Director of She Rock She Rock from 2015-2020. She is passionate about all things GRCA, organized Google Drives, DIY music, her cat and her beautiful community. Sam currently lives in Minneapolis on Wahpekute & Sioux land.