Have you ever wanted to become more involved in the GRCA movement? The Nominations Committee is excited to let you know that Nominations for the board, caucus advisory council, and nominations committee are now open!
GRCA currently has 3 leadership bodies who work year-round (pretty much) to keep our work moving forward and with many levels of involvement! If you have been thinking about exploring opportunities to be involved in our global work, you should check out what these three groups do. And who knows?! Maybe you could even apply to volunteer with one of these groups!
To learn more about the Board, Caucus Advisory Council, and Nominations Committee, please check out the 2020 Nominations Handbook for more details.
The GRCA seeks new members of these various leadership bodies to help shepherd the organization to the next chapter in its growth. Candidates should have experience with girls rock camp programs, passion for the GRCA’s mission and points of unity, and an interest in shaping its future. Nominees do not need to be affiliated with a member camp/organization.
The GRCA strives to elevate and amplify the voices of those directly affected by oppressive structures, and encourages nominees who identify as members of communities that have been historically underrepresented in decision-making bodies, or whose power has been removed through colonization, to apply for the various leadership positions – this includes (but is not limited to) trans people, people who experience racial discrimination, indigenous people, differently abled/disabled people, poor/working class people.
Nominations are currently closed.
Questions? The GRCA Nominations Committee is here to help (find out more about us below!). Email us at: nomination@girlsrockcampalliance.org.