Board of Directors
Sol Bembibre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Brooke Harris, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Natalia Vajda Viacava, Lima, Peru
Verónica Bernal, Asunción, Paraguay
Andrea Condori Garcia. Lima, Peru
Lavender Sedlock. Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Flavia Biggs, Sorocaba, Brazil
To contact the Caucus Advisory Council, email them at caucusadvisory@girlsrockcampalliance.org
nominations committee
The Nominations Committee is charged with reviewing candidates for the GRCA Board, preparing a slate of nominees for recommendation to the membership, and coordinating the election process for Board officers.
Nominations Committee members serve in two-year, staggered terms, beginning and ending on July 1. The same guidelines that apply to Board nominations, Board service, and overall GRCA values are applicable to Nominations Committee membership.
The committee meets online as needed, usually 5 - 6 times a year. Committee participation requires some additional work between meetings. The committee strives for consensus in its decision-making process.
Nominations for vacancies for the Nominations Committee and Caucus Advisory Council open before the conference, and close two days before the Annual Member Meeting. Nominees are asked to fill out a brief survey. The Nominations Committee is responsible for sharing the statements from all nominees with the membership, digitally and posted at conference. The nominees are presented as individuals, and all are presented.
GRCA members have the opportunity to review statements by committee nominees and hear them say a few words, and then elect them at the Annual Member Meeting. Voting is done by secret ballot, and the nominees who gain the largest number of votes from the membership fill the number of available spots on the committee.
The Nominations Committee is currently made up of these committee members:
Ros Hartigan, Girls Rock Detroit
Rose Bishop, Girls Rock Denver
Casey Vendel, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference Logistics Coordinators:
Mel Hsu, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Mariana Souza Aranha, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America